
The Beauty of Working with Latin America

LATAM Curiosities
10.17.2023 20:21
Reading Time 4'

LATAM talent

By Sergio Barbieri

Hiring talented people has always been challenging and involved multiple variables to an equation that it’s already complex: skills, seniority, availability, flexibility, rate, motivation, etc to mention a few. For these reasons, finding this talent is not easy and requires hard work, patience.. and luck? Well, maybe luck no, because currently, Latin America is positioning itself as a hub for talented software developers.

We are all aware that the pandemic had many different effects, one of which involves that the way we work and companies recruit has drastically changed. More and more companies are leaning towards hiring people remotely. Of course, this comes with many challenges, but if well addressed those can be mitigated and the benefits exploited.

One of those huge benefits is that now you don’t rely that much on location when it comes to hiring, so you can focus more on skills and talented people no matter where they live.

But why are we talking about Latin America if we just said location is not that important now anymore? Well, because even if that’s true, it’s not the same as hiring someone located in Eastern Europe, if you need that person to overlap with North American time zones, the same way someone directly in the US would likely cost much more than hiring someone from, well... Latin America.

Hiring and working with Latin America comes with great benefits, what are those? Well, for once, the time zone, which practically overalls coast to coast with US time zones. Also, people in Latin America are well known for having a great level of English, which makes the whole working experience better, not to mention the quality of work and deliverables. This implies that the adaptation and value that the person can give is way higher.

Culture is very much involved here too, people in Latin America have a culture that even though it has differences between its different countries and the US, they are pretty similar in many ways. In addition to this, people, and more specifically developers in Latin America are well known for being flexible, very adaptive, and with a positive proactive working attitude. We are eager to learn and contribute, and we are also competitive enough to seek development opportunities and set career goals.

Of course, cost always counts and that’s also one benefit you’ll get from working with Latin America. You are very likely to hire someone from LATAM with much more experience than someone from the US for, yes, the same rate. This is because the cost of living in Latin America is cheaper than in the US, boosted by the devaluation of the local currencies.

We explained some of the benefits of hiring and working with people in Latin America, but, what else is it to say? Well, definitely people in Latin America took note of this, and in a wave that went side by side with this whole movement, they started to get better at it. This means they started to get qualified and certified, getting more working experience hence becoming valuable and attractive to companies all over the world, especially in the US.

Also, from the experience of many companies who have hired and worked with developers in Latin America, they have acknowledged these benefits and mostly had words of praise about how easy and straightforward it was to work with people in LATAM. They mentioned that in most cases these people had exceeded their expectations and became great contributors to the company and teams.

In conclusion, there are many reasons why you would want to consider hiring and working with people from Latin America, and I’m sure that once you jump into that boat, it’ll be one you won’t want to get off. You’ll experience working with people who will contribute and collaborate in ways you’ll be surprised and help take your team to the next level.